Saturday, March 3, 2012

How to Refinish Kitchen Cabinets

There is nothing much you can do if you are having one of those badspells of financial problems. Yet life must go on and this is what the modernmarket too suggests and therefore you have as much options available toextricate yourself from any tight situation. One such way to bring aboutvibrant life into your old cabinet is to understand the modern technique of how to refinish kitchen cabinets.

You must therefore begin step by step procedure so that you may bringinto life a new cabinet for your kitchen without as much as even a smallfraction of the cost of a new cabinet. You think this is magic? Well, you maythink whatever you want but the fact remains that the cabinet of yours afterthe refinishing work would surely look a splendid sight in your kitchen.

You start the work alone slowly or take help of someone for it involvesa lot of cleaning, dusting and of course painting. For many people who areallergic to different kinds of chemical smells it is suggested that they wear amask and hand gloves to protect their skin from becoming harmed. You must takea firm stand while starting you task of how to refinish kitchen cabinets for your kitchen.

Your job starts with sanding the whole cabinet with sand paper. But ofcourse you must remove whatever content you have inside the cabinet in thefirst place as then only cleaning is possible. You must look into every nookand corner of the cabinet to see whether you have left out any items or not.You must then dismantle the cabinet and then take them outside to do thefinishing work on it.

You may at times come across some kind of obstructions like certain oldfinish not giving way even after scrubbing with sand paper. For this purpose themodern market is full of branded and non branded liquids and chemicals used forthe refinishing cabinets. You may opt for one such after consulting with thestores manager as to which is the preferred liquid for removing your oldfinish.

The final steps are to be done very carefully taking your own time asthis would ultimately prove whether your task has been a success or not. Youneed to hide out the dents, cracks and other damages on the cabinet by applyingwood putty and then paint them with your selected color. The result of yourtask as to how to refinish kitchen cabinets would be over the moment you see the smile on everybody’s face.

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