Saturday, March 3, 2012

Refinish Kitchen Cabinets

When you see your kitchen cabinet in dull and shabby condition insteadof thinking of buying a new one you ought to scrutinize the whole cabinet. Thisis especially so with the case with old cabinets that has remained in goodcondition and has served the family well since generations. Not that all oldcabinets will show this high standard yet you may ascertain this by carefullyscrutinizing the cabinet. If there are fewer damages then it would be muchcheaper if you go for refinish kitchen cabinets.

Have you ever thought of how to do such a job? A lot of people wouldsimply try to get a new one without thinking how much money they could savethis way. In fact a refinish would hardly be anything worth mentioning whencompared to buying a new cabinet. Then why people seek a new cabinet and notrefinish the old one? The answer is uncertainty. People think that byrefinishing they stand to risk some money and if suppose the old cabinetdoesn’t live up to the expectation. What then? They have the right to their thinkingbut you must understand that if properly done this can make old cabinets looknew and glazing.

You need to empty the old cabinet once you have ascertained that thecabinet is perfectly fine. You then remove these items to the adjoining roomand then start to put sand paper on the old finish so as to remove them. If theold finish is not going then think of applying chemicals and liquids availablein the market. Your local paint shop counter boys and girls can give you a goodidea as to which should be used for removing which particular paint. You may doso as per their suggestion so that you may refinish kitchen cabinets easily.

You can remove the old finish by dismantling the cabinet and thentaking it to an isolated spot of your house or outside and then complete itstage by stage. If you face slight difficulty in applying sand paper then youmust understand the type of finish that has been earlier applied on thecabinet. For example, you may choose to use turpentine to dissolve the waxfinish. For latex and shellac finish you may use alcohol while for lacquer youmay use a lacquer thinner. Again, for water based finish you may try xylene.

However, make sure that you must fill the cracks and dents with woodputty before applying primer and the painting the cabinet so as to get your new refinish kitchen cabinets.

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