Monday, March 5, 2012

How to Reface Kitchen Cabinets

There are certain techniques to make your old cabinet look new andstunningly different. These are proven methods used in the cabinetry industryand you too may use them if you are experiencing tight financial conditions.You may if you wish go through the websites that give you some great ideasabout how to reface kitchen cabinets at very down to earth rates.

You need to ascertain the type of cabinet you would like to have. Thismeans whether you are quite happy with the existing one and wish to reface itas it is or whether you would like to change the style to a different type.Remember, whenever you change the design a great deal then a lot more woodbecome necessary which of course means that the cost would go up. You mayhowever cut down the cost of procurement of new wood by purchasing the samefrom the salvage yards or from the second sales.

You may think out your own design by making a rough sketch or chooseone of the cabinet designs from the websites. You must be careful of the choiceof designs as if it is not properly installed or built then the whole projectcould become a failure. You therefore consult the same with more experiencedpersons like your friends or the professional carpenter or the interiordecorator of your area and then start on the project. Your idea as to how to reface kitchen cabinets would beone great step to make your kitchen a startlingly beautiful place.

You have your sketch beside you and then begin the work of taking offthe doors, the cabinet and then the hardware so that you can study thedifferent scratches, dents and other damages clearly. Then you need to replacethe wood that you remove. This done you need to sander the whole of the cabinetmeticulously and then apply wood putty in those areas which are small scratchesor dents and inside the cabinet.

You need to sander them again and then apply grease. After this youneed to paint them with your chosen color. The hardware luster must have gonedue to continuous use and hence in their places you need to purchase new one.You may consult with the paint shop boys for getting the right hue for yourcabinet so that you would through this experience understand how to reface kitchen cabinets.

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