Monday, March 5, 2012

Kitchen Cabinets Refacing

You are in need of an antique type of cabinet although you now possessonly a modern one that has been serving you for more than seven years. You havecome across the idea as in almost all walks of life the people are now tryingto keep their homes not just clean and tidy, but also with a family historybehind it. You too feel that having a bit of family legacy in your home canbring you new type of status.

You need this kind of status as it would then fit your old home quitesuitably and also due to the fact that your kitchen cabinet has become quiteunattractive all on a sudden due to rough use. What you need here is kitchen cabinets refacing so that yournew cabinet would exude the nostalgic days of the past. You must be sure tohave taken a decision in this regard and must have identified a suitable designfor the purpose.

You need to start the job with great fun as there is never a dullmoment in such type of refacing work. You ought to take help of a professionalwho can give you good inputs on the project as well help you in bridging thegap where your own knowledge is in short supply. You start with dismantling thecabinet especially so for the doors, drawers and other damaged portions. Youmay clean the whole cabinet to quickly spot the dents, cracks or scratches.

The lesser effected portions are the back portions and the sides andthe most effected portion is the front portion as more rough handling isexerted on these areas. You may then think of removing the plywood which hasstarted to sag and so also the medium density fiber parts if your cabinet isnot homogeneous. Here, you will have to replace the woods with the same materialor choose other hard woods as the latter can give your kitchen cabinets refacing much greater effect.

You then need to fix them with the help of a carpenter or any otherperson experienced in the work so that the woods do fit in properly with oneanother. You then need to sander them and apply grease and then color them withdark color or lighter shades if you think that your cabinet would look good.For hiding those little scratches or dents you need dark color, but in thiscase light shades too would do as you have to make it appear as antique and hasbeen there in the family for generations. Once, finished your kitchen cabinets refacing would giveyou an experience in bringing out your creativity to the fore.

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