Monday, March 12, 2012

Bathroom Mirrors

In this article, I will talk about bathroom mirrors. You need to complete the medium sized bathroom which you have started? You know that you are running out of cash? You need some quick advice to tide over the difficulties caused by depleting finance? You only need to read on.

You must have completed all the basic fixtures and fittings and have not done the wall tiles although you have completed the floor tiles. Now you need to do something about the wall tiles. As you have stated earlier you are short of funds then you ought to measure the area of the surrounding wall where you wish to paste your tiles.

Should the whole wall be covered? You needn’t cover the whole wall, but only that portion where you propose to have the tiles pasted. In some houses the entire wall except the roof portion is covered with tiles. Some people have only three fourths of the wall covered with tiles while for others half way is enough.

You have calculated the cost of tiles and have come to understand that you will be able to cover only half portion of the wall? Your finance for the moment doesn’t allow you to adopt expensive methods. You would have covered the wall right up to the top if you had the money. You needn’t worry for there is a way out.

What is it? You need to select a large size mirror preferably one that could cover almost the three fourths of the portion of the wall where you had earlier wanted the tiles to be fitted. You have to attach the mirror on this wall and yet another on the opposite end so as to cover a large portion of both sides of the wall.

You must remember not to block any tap or other accessories on these sides of the wall. Can smaller mirrors be appropriate? You can choose smaller types, but then you must understand that this would mean more tiles.

What about the cost of the mirrors? This would be much lesser than if you do the tiling work for the full size of the two walls. Of course, there is some really expensive variety of mirrors yet if you choose well say during seasonal offers or such other ways then you may get it at a discounted price.

The idea would be not only to make the bathroom look larger but also to save some money. That concludes my post on bathroom mirrors.

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