Saturday, March 3, 2012

Refinishing Kitchen Cabinets

If ever you have thought of purchasing a new cabinet for any specialoccasions for your house which can be anything from a social meeting to areligious gathering you should try to restrain yourself from spending moneyunnecessarily. Until and unless you are a millionaire the idea of new cabinetcan excite as well as depress the moods of any average person. Therefore if youask what is the best way to get a new cabinet our suggestion would be refinishing kitchen cabinets at a verylow cost.

How is the refinishing to be done? This is relatively a simple exerciseand not at all hard work and surely not as difficult as building your ownkitchen cabinet from start to finish. You have to bear in mind however as tohow you need to refinish the cabinet. For instance many owners would like tosimply do the refinishing work on the same cabinet while others would like toalter the old design in favor of additional requirements. This is possible ifyou worked it out with a professional person who can give you guidance as towhether your kitchen area is convenient for it or not.

Your refinishing job starts with removing all the items from thecabinet so that it remains empty while you are at work. Try to remove the itemsto some other room as there will be a lot of dust and make sure that you do anykitchen work. You may however, dismantle the cabinet and take it to your yardoutside so as to clean and remove all the old finish. You can remove all theold finish only when you have taken off the doors, the cabinets, the drawersand the accessories. You then proceed with the refinishing kitchen cabinets work in earnest.

You must start to sander and this must be carried out thoroughly sothat no part is left out. Once, you have done this then you need to fill up thedents, cracks and the damages especially in the front portion filled up withwood putty. However, if you are facing any problem with removing of old finishand you think that heavy use of sand paper may have damaging effect you may optfor certain liquids and chemicals available in the market.

When you have removed the old finish you may remove the old hardware sothat you can replace them with new ones. Some like the brass hinges, ivory orbronze plated door knobs and handles can enhance the cabinet like nothing elseand give your kitchen a dazzling effect. You can then relax knowing well that your refinishing kitchen cabinets were worth your time and money.

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