Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kitchen Cabinet Sizes

Whether you choose the latest model for your kitchen cabinet or anantique type cabinet you are surely in for trouble if your cabinet doesn’t fitinto your kitchen area properly. This means that your kitchen cabinet sizes ought to be properly measured before youpurchase them from the market or try to build it all on your own.

The usual sizes of most cabinets or rather the average sizes are in therange of 10 x10 and this also pertains to the pricing of the cabinets as isgiven in most of the catalogs of the stores and the websites. It is only whenthere are changes in size which one sees in larger kitchen that the cabinetprices are increased accordingly.

However, in many unusual types of cabinets the form may change yet onthe whole the cabinet is constructed as per the standard size specificationsonly. Further, the cabinet is made in such way that there is enough space leftout on the sides to allow free movement and for facilitating the keeping of theappliances.

Where the empty spaces should be allotted? You should create thecabinet in triangle that is 18 linear feet between the refrigerator and thesink. This will allow for proper use of time inside the kitchen. Then the doorsof the cabinet should be placed in such a way that it doesn’t obstruct byopening improperly where the entrance to the kitchen lies. Your kitchen cabinet sizes are therefore themost important reason why you should be looking for the right style of cabinetthat fits into your kitchen area.

When you place the dishwasher you should keep it near the sink for easyusage and also by taking into consideration. The sink should be located under awindow with light installed above it. Further, there should be ample spaceprovided on both sides of microwave. Also keep in mind the refrigerator doesn’tface any obstruction when it is opened to one side.

In similar way the sink should have enough counter space on the rightand the left of it. Above all there should be a corridor to freely move about. Whenchoosing those cabinets which are not of average size you must give theaccurate measurement of the top cabinet or hanging cabinet and the base cabinetincluding the doors of the cabinet. Further, you must also measure the windowand the space for the refrigerator and other appliances so that they can be agood fit into the kitchen. Thus, the kitchen cabinet sizes are very important foryour best fit cabinet as well as the price of the cabinet.

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