Thursday, March 22, 2012

All Wood Kitchen Cabinets

While choosing any furniture the first choice of most people falls on those that are made of wood. This is truer when you see the market demand steadily increasing in the area of kitchen cabinets where three fourths of the customers go for all wood kitchen cabinets as if there is nothing worth looking for. Why all this mad rush for wood?

Wood is the most suitable material for getting the true finish required of furniture and in particular the cabinet. There are no materials that can beat wood when it comes to comfort in usage and show of elegance. Again, wood can give you lasting impression than other materials and are easy to maintain. Of course, there are stainless steel cabinets which are not only maintenance free but well known for their durability yet it is the wooden cabinets that really attracts.

Which are the best hardwoods for cabinet making? You have several varieties of hardwoods yet the most popular are the oak, rosewood, maple and cherry. The oak is really an excellent wood as one of its strong points is that it is resistant to moisture a plus point surely in the kitchen. The cherry is yet another close grained wood which displays some startling effect and that is it becomes redder in color when it is under direct sun rays.

What about rosewood and maple? Both the rosewood and maple are fine woods and although rosewood is the most expensive among them it gives a mind boggling attraction. In sharp contrast maple is more affordable and is perhaps the most popular wood in cabinetry manufacturing. Then apart from these there are those soft all wood kitchen cabinets which too are in great demand due to their flexibility in styling and finishing.

Which are the popular soft woods generally used? The soft woods generally used are the pine, cedar and redwood. You may purchase the cabinet as it is from the open market and this would surely come at a price as cabinets are rather expensive one time investment. If however you don’t have the necessary finance then you may purchase an unfinished cabinet made of soft or hardwood or get one old cabinet made of expensive hard wood from the salvage yard at highly discounted price and then do a reface.

You may get more information of various cabinets if you browse the Internet or go through the different home improvement magazines. Whatever be your choice on all wood kitchen cabinets you must surely maintain them so that they continue giving you good service for decades in your kitchen.

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