After reading this article you would have definitely formed
some idea about the side effects of Amlodipine. Once you have got over the
feeling of confusion then you may look at the drugs somewhat differently. In
medical world Amlodipine is known as a type of calcium channel blocker that is
used to treat chest pain and angina. The drug acts by making the blood vessel
relax so that there is smooth flow of blood through them.
Those people who have a high blood pressure can be
administered with Amlodipine instead of the usual dose of other medication and
this is seen to be very effective in these cases.
It is popularly used as calcium channel blocker and its main
purpose is in the medication of hypertension and high blood pressure. The net
effect is that the medication helps in the widening of blood vessels and
thereby induces free and uninhibited flow of blood to all parts of the body
which includes form heart to the brain and elsewhere. This in turn checks the
risks of heart strokes, attacks and other related illness.
Those above the age of six years only are prescribed this
Amlodipine as a medicine as it has been proved to be quit
successful in the treatment of high blood pressure, hypertension and other
heart diseases. The entire body is placed under a relaxed state so that there
is smooth functioning of activities and flow of blood to all parts of the
Amlodipine is used against other types of diseases as well
and these include heart failure, Reynaud’s syndrome, migraines, cluster
The side effects of Amlodipine is the next thing you have to
learn about the drug as the above point must have made you somewhat
knowledgeable about certain facts of the drugs.
If you ever come across instances of dizziness, swelling on
body parts, headaches and light headedness then it is for sure a sign of side
effects from the intake of Amlodipine. However the side effects vary from
person to person.
There is however no need for you to have any fear about the
side effects even if you happen to be the sole person with such problems. These
may come in the form of high heart beats, fainting or others and in all such
cases the local doctor must be immediately contacted.
Some people have developed allergies by the
intake of Amlodipine. In all such cases the doctor has to be consulted.
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